GEFestival | GEFcon |OKSE Central Europe Gaming & E-Careers Congres


This year's European Games Esports Championships (#EGE23) is accompanied by three prestigious substantive events, including an organized cyclical conference devoted to gaming and related industries in Central and Eastern Europe. Professionals, scientists and administrators who will share their knowledge and experience will meet in one place.

Join us at:

OKSE Central Europe Gaming & E-Careers Congres



9.00-10.00 GEFcon Registration

10.30-11.15 panel GEFcon
Esports & Europe |  Alper Özdemir, Advisor to GEF Board, Samy Bessi, Belgian Esports Federation, Łukasz Trybuś, President, Polish Esports Association, Chris Jonasson, General Secretary, Swedish Esports Associatio, Stavroula Katsoula, Manager, Strategic Projects, GEF, Moderation: Aurelia Ruetsch, EGE23 CoCom Chair, GEF Board Member

11.20-12.05 panel GEFcon
Convergence of Sports, Esports & Technology | Adrian Lismore, GEF Vice President
Aleksander Szlachetko - Managing Director, EFG Athlete (tbc) Esports Athlete (tbc),
Moderator: Chester King, GEF Vice President

12:15 – 12:45 Lecture OKSE
Supporting gaming – what is it all about? | Patryk “ROJO” Rojewski (gaming influencer) TBA

12:45 – 13:30 Panel OKSE
Per ludus ad astra – esports tournaments for schools | Michał Mucha (Digital Competence Development Center), Dave Martin (British Esports) TBA

13:30 – 14:00 Lecture  OKSE
Training school students to become esports champions and creating an esports development ecosystem | Przemysław Siemaszko (GG Predict)

14:00 – 14:45 panel OKSE
GameDev – industry like no other | Jean Gréban (WALGA -Wallonia Game Association)

14:45 – 15:30 panel OKSE
Cyber ​​security and development of professional competences in NATO | Karol Jędrasiak (Technology Transfer Center – WSB Academy) TBA

15:30 – 16:00 panel dyskusyjny OKSE
Rivalry and cooperation in gaming – what are the stakes?  | TBA

Showmatch of Polish Bridge Association

"Justa Dance" Grand Finale


12:15 – 13:00 panel OKSE
CyberScience, Gaming & Education: Innovative business perspectives
Dariusz Szostek (The European Parliament’s Artificial Intelligence Observatory, Cyber Science Center, University of Silesia), Karol Jędrasiak (NATO DEEP eAcademy, Technology Transfer Center – WSB Academy), Michał Kłosiński (Director of Game Research Center Utopian Studies Society, University of Silesia), Witold Suchoń (Design of Games and Virtual Space, Faculty of Arts and Sciences of Education, Silesian University in Cieszyn)

13:00 – 13:15 lecture OKSE
The Game Industry of Poland 2023 | Małgorzata Brodnicka (Polish Agency for Enterprise Development)

13:15 – 14:00 panel OKSE
Traditional sports vs e-sports – possibilities of cooperation | Zbigniew Zasada Zbigniew Zasada (Polish Dance Association)

14:00 – 14:45  panel OKSE
High tech in education – what awaits us in the future? | TBA 

14:45 – 15:30 panel OKSE 
Universities for GameDev industry | TBA

15:30 – 16:00 panel OKSE
Initiatives that stimulates growth – local government panel | TBA

Meet-up with Esports National Team 

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